For the child in your life or the young at heart, Angels, Angels, Everywhere, is sure to please. With its brightly illustrated pages and positive messages, kids of all ages will love this book. And during these troubled times, it’s uplifting to know that angels are always with us.
Angels, Angels, Everywhere is an award-winning, non-denominational, and racially diverse picture book written in playful rhythm and rhyme. The themes are constant support and unconditional love. By developing children’s faith in knowing that they are never alone and building their trust that they are always cared for and loved, children will become empowered to deal with life’s challenges. Also, children will be delighted to learn that angels share in their happiness.
Finalist - National Indie Excellence Awards
Finalist - USA Best Book Awards
Winner, Poetry - Purple Dragonfly Book Awards
Amazon VINE VOICE Reviewer Cheryl C. Malandrinos: 5/5* Beautifully Illustrated Book about Angels:
“Angels, Angels Everywhere is a wonderful way to share the gift of angels with your child. Featuring angels that are culturally diverse allows the reader to feel that these spiritual beings are like them in many ways. The melodic prose flows along with the story and the illustrations are lovely. A great book that can be a source of comfort and joy for many.”
Angels, Angels, Everywhere was a heavenly writing assignment...literally. Michelle Beber knows her book was divinely orchestrated from its inception to its entry into the marketplace. "When you believe in angels, anything's possible," said Michelle. Her interest in angels started in 2008 at a spiritual retreat where she learned how angels communicate with us through repetitive number sequences known as "angel numbers." She opened herself up to believe, acknowledged the messages she received, and followed the guidance she was given. Michelle didn't realize it then, but the angels were leading her to her life purpose.
Angels, Angels, Everywhere
Written by Michelle Beber (MichelleBeber.com)
Illustrated by Susan Shorter
Balboa Press, a division of Hay House (BalboaPress.com)
Ages 3+
$16.95-Paperback (8.5 x 11) // ISBN: 978-1452518947
Available from IndieBound.com, Amazon.com, BarnesAndNoble.com, BooksAMillion.com, and Bookstore.balboapress.com.