Written by Kara Hamilton (KaraHamilton.com)
Illustrated by Alexandria Gold
Ages 2-6

REVIEW: This is a very well-written and illustrated book that will captivate, educate, and entertain (yes the three are possible!) your children and even yourself. Mrs Hamilton, a talented actress and model, has written this first-class children's book perfectly illustrated by Mrs. Gold. The love and relationship between children, parents, and pets are very touching. Another good point is the Baby Training Manual section which is simple (in a good way) and practical along with a Q&A with the Humane Society of the United States (note that a generous portion of the earnings from this book is donated to this great institution) that everyone should read. If you have a child that cares about pets, this is the book to have.
Smokey, the miniature apricot poodle, is blessed. But can it last? With the arrival of a new baby, he struggles to adjust to his new place in the family. After several failed tactics, he ingeniously teaches the baby how to behave around him so they may co-exist peacefully. He realizes that there's enough love for everyone in the family, and also gains a new best friend.
We've all heard the sad stories. The once-beloved pooch is given away after the birth of a child due to "aggressive" behavior. A NEW LEASH ON LIFE creatively educates small children about how to behave around dogs, so that, hopefully, more pets can stay with their families.
A NEW LEASH ON LIFE includes a helpful, illustrated guide at the back with instructions for how a child should approach a dog, what signs to look for that the dog isn’t ready to play, etc. An interview with the Moms of *The Humane Society of the United States provides additional tips for introducing a new family member to a pet, how to teach a child to interact safely with their own or other people’s pets, and more.
*Note: A portion of the profits from this book will be donated to The Humane Society of the United States.
Kara Hamilton is a San Francisco-based actress and model with leading roles in films, commercials, and advertising campaigns. She holds a degree in Broadcast Journalism from Florida State University where she regularly wrote for 'The Sunshine Network' (currently Fox Sun Sports) and Florida A&M's newspaper. Before the children, came the dog - a dog she loved dearly and wanted to peacefully coexist with her then-new baby, not be one of the 1.4 million abandoned in shelters each year. Unimpressed with the current choices, she desired a creative and entertaining way to teach her child (as well as others) how to properly behave around dogs. Completely based on Kara's life story, her debut children's book A NEW LEASH ON LIFE was born. Connect with Kara at: KaraHamilton.com.
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