CINDERELLA by THE COMPANY XIV at the Minetta Lane Theatre, New York
Forget everything that you've ever seen on stage, forget every show that you've ever heard that is “great”: CINDERELLA by THE COMPANY XIV “IS” by far the most creative, intelligent, modern yet classical, operatic, burlesque, ballet and baroque show that you will ever see in your life.
Sell your house or car if you have to, but GO to explore this unique experience.
Cancel all your plans in your life, and keep only one goal: see Cinderella by Company XIV.
Every detail is carefully executed, from the music (carefully chosen from Baroque to Electro music) to the lighting and the costumes.
The quality and diversity of the cast are remarkable: they can sing, dance, act (bring you from tears to laughter), and be acrobat while performing an opera aria with brio! (Most of us couldn't even do it by standing straight). You can't miss the stunning voice of Katrina Cunningham and her gracious charisma.
Mr. Austin McCormick, the creator of this show and founder of Company XIV, proves once more that he is a GENIUS, nothing less.
If Louis XIV had been in the audience, he would have been honored to witness his heritage being so well executed and would have probably bent over the talent of Mr. McCormick.
THE CULTURE NEWS highly recommends you see this unique show at the
Minetta Lane Theater until November 15th. DO NOT MISS IT.